JAP Name: Kino Makoto
JAP Meaning of Name: Wisdom of Wood
NA Name: Lita Kino
Age: 14
Birthday: December 5
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
God: Zeus
Blood type: O
Favorite JAP color: Pink
Favorite NA color: Green
JAP Hobby: Bargain-hunting
NA Hobby: Cooking
Likes: Romance novels
Dislikes: Cheaters
Favorite JAP food: Cherry pie
Favorite NA food: Cherry pie, meat loaf
Least favorite food: None
Favorite JAP subject: Home Economics
Favorite NA subject: History
Worst subject: Physics
Has trouble with: Airplanes
Strong point: Cooking
Special strengths: Strong, athletic
Dream: Being a bride, selling cake, selling flowers
Favorite gemstone: Emerald
Favorite animal: Horse
JAP school: Juuban Junior High (in the Minato-ku district of Tokyo), Juuban High School in Sailorstars
NA school: Crossroads Junior High, Crossroads High in Sailorstars
Height: 5'6"
(Dub episode 42 adds Transform to each transformation but not after episode 83 [S and SuperS dubs])
Mako (Makoto) is a great cook. She loves to do that and to keep house. I guess you could call her boy crazy also. Every guy she sees looks just like her old boyfriend (Freddie). She is not shy at all, unlike Ami.
When she first came to Juuban JH everyone was afraid of her because it was rumored that she had gotten kicked out of her old school for fighting. Usagi though had forgotten her lunch that day and seeing that Mako had lots of yummy looking food went over. (Not to mention the fact that earlier that day Mako had helped Usagi out by getting rid of some creeps that were bothering her.) They became friends and later they found out (after Mako followed another cute guy and he turned out to be a Rainbow Crystal holder) that she was Sailor Jupiter.