Sailor Senshi & Tuxedo Kamen
~Warning~ There are spoilers here!

NA Name
Japanese Name
Alter-ego now
(21st Century)
Moon Kingdom/ Silver Millennium (Past)
(30th Century)
Serena Tsukino
Tsukino Usagi
Sailor Moon

Princess Serena/ Serenity
Princess Serenity
Neo-Queen Serenity, wife of King Darien/ Endymion
Neo-Queen Serenity with Chibi-Usa and King Edymion
Darien Shields

Chiba Mamoru

Tuxedo Kamen (Mask)/ Moonlight Knight
Tuxedo KamenMoonlight Knight
Prince Darien/ Endymion
Prince Edymion
King Darien/ Endymion, husband of Neo-Queen Serenity
Amy Mizuno
Mizuno Ami
Sailor Mercury
Princess of Mercury, One of Princess Serenity's Four Guardians
Princess of Mercury
Sailor Mercury

Raye Hino
Hino Rei
Sailor Mars
Princess of Mars, One of Princess Serenity's Four Guardians
Princess of Mars
Sailor Mars

Lita Kino
Kino Makoto (Mako)
Sailor Jupiter
Princess of Jupiter, One of Princess Serenity's Four Guardians
Princess of Jupiter
Sailor Jupiter

Aino Minako
Sailor Venus
Princess of Venus, One of Princess Serenity's Four Guardians, Leader of the Inner Scouts
Princess of Venus, The leader of the Inner Senshi
Sailor Venus

Rini Tsukino

Tsukino Usagi (Chibi-Usa)
Sailor Chibi Moon/ Mini Moon
Not born

Small Lady Serenity, Princess Rini/Usagi, Princess Chibi-Usa, Daughter of Usagi and Mamoru
Princess Chibi-Usa
Trista Meiou

Meiou Setsuna
Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Gate of Time
Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Gate of Time,
Princess of Pluto, guarding the Solar system from enemies
Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Gate of Time
Michelle Kaiou
Kaiou Michiru
Sailor Neptune
Princess of Neptune, guarding the Solar system from enemies
Princess of Neptune

Amara Tenou
Ten'ou Haruka
Sailor Uranus
Princess of Uranus, guarding the Solar system from enemies
Princess of Uranus

Hotaru Tomoe
Tomoe Hotaru
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Chibi-Chibi Moon/ Galaxia's Starseed/ The pure form of Sailor Moon
Not in existence yet
Kou Taiki
Sailor Star Maker
Kou Seiya
Sailor Star Fighter
Kou Yaten
Sailor Star Healer

For more in-depth information on a specific character please go to the Character Profiles.

Castle in the Sky has a great section on the translations, check it out (go to: Character Name Translations)

If you see an error on this page or if there is some information I do not have that you feel should be there, please e-mail it to me.